Bloomsbury Philosophy Library - Learning and Research

Learning and Research

Bibliographic Guides
Thematic bibliographic guides provide an introductory overview of key thinkers to a particular topic.

Critical Phenomenology
by Megan Burke
As a philosophical method, phenomenology is the study of the appearance of things, an investigation into the way things appear in first-person experience. As a practice of reflection, phenomenology aims to understand and describe the constitutive structures of lived experience. The famous dictum of phenomenology, “back to the things themselves,” is thus a call to critically encounter and understand the meanings and possibilities disclosed in conscious experience.
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Islamic Philosophy: An Introduction
by Oliver Leaman
Philosophy flourished in the Islamic world for many centuries, and continues to be a significant feature of cultural life today. Indeed, the compilation of biographical dictionaries has long been a tradition within Islamic culture. The issue of the definition of Islamic philosophy has been controversial, and it probably should be classified as an essentially contested concept. There is nothing specifically Islamic about this issue, it occurs in all systems of philosophy which are classified under the label of a particular religion. 
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Idealism and Realism in German Philosophy
by Christopher Adair-Toteff
It is almost impossible to distill four centuries of German philosophy into a few pages, but one way to approach this problem is to consider that there have been two forces that have tended to dominate German philosophical thought—realism and idealism. Stated crudely, realism emphasizes the objective and the empirical world; idealism stresses the subjective and the thinking mind.
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Subject Guides
Our goal is to provide solutions to support digital learning, teaching, and research across a variety of disciplines. Subject Guides provide instructors, students, and librarians with a simple shortcut to help them find the material they need across a number of topics. Links can easily be added to a course syllabus or reading list. Explore these gateways for discovery and deepen the research experience with our resources.

Guide to Islamic Philosophers
The list below covers our entries on the major and many minor philosophers, theologians, and mystics who contributed to the development of philosophy in the Islamic world. They cover 1400 years of Islamic philosophical tradition, with entries ranging from the early years of the faith to the modern period and every major school of thought, from classical Peripatetic philosophy to Sufi mysticism.
Download the Guide to Islamic Philosophers [PDF]

Guide to Women Philosophers 
The list below covers our entries on the women in Britain, France, Germany and North America who have contributed to the history and development of philosophical thought between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries
Download the Guide to Women Philosophers [PDF]